Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Open Court Exchange

“Lady, in the glasses, can I help you?”  Judge Perlman, presiding Judge in Courtroom 518 asked.  “I’m with Occupy Broward Foreclosure Courts, Your Honor and I’m here to observe, write and report what I see happening in foreclosure courtrooms in Broward County.” At this point Judge Perlman instructed her Bailiff to come and get my phone to see if I was recording.  The Bailiff informed her that I was not recording. 

“Come, come, come…” she said as she waived me towards the Bench.  “I visited Zuccotti Park during the occupation, it was like a tent city,” she continued as she proceeded to show me photos of the hand-made signs, the Police, etc., she had taken with her phone while there.  “I remember when you were at City Hall, what do you do now?” she asked.

I explained to her that our mission is to observe what takes place in the foreclosure courtrooms and to text, tweet and blog about it.  I asked why the PA system does not work but she glided over that. Then I asked about retired judges hearing foreclosure cases and she told me that we would have to take that up with the Chief Judge.

The take-away from all of this… Judge Perlman, attorneys and pro se homeowners who were present at the time of the exchange in open court know that they are being watched and reported on.  I do not know if it will make a difference but I certainly hope so.