Thursday, June 14, 2012

Loan Modifications and How I Can Help.

In the wake of the Espinosa family's amazing victory (Citibank vs. Espinosa, see: I am reminded of the loan modification workshop I attended in North Miami Beach in late April.  The main speaker was Raven Liberty, Esq., from Raven Liberty, P.A. and her focus that evening were the various changes to the HAMP program.  Ms. Liberty spoke at length about the many changes but emphasized the importance of having the "numbers" correct.  Each of the loan programs require an accurate and updated financial statement along with requested documentation.

In my experience, the loan package provided by the banks are not adequate to the task and so they keep asking repeatedly, for more and more information.  We know that the banks are not to be trusted so it begs the question, is it a mistake, did the loan officer forget to include the list of required documents?  I cannot answer those questions, but what I can do is assist any homeowner with getting his/her financial statement in a format that is bank acceptable and organizing the necessary documentation (including those not requested in the original loan package) for easy access by any loan officer.  The web-based, software program that I employ, apart from producing bank ready financial statements, has the ability to e-mail documentation to any loan officer and the homeowner with the push of a button, thus saving time & money.

I cannot guarantee, nobody can (the governing documents of the trust may not allow loan modifications) that this manner of presentation will get the homeowner the much needed loan modification but it will get the loan application the attention that is necessary to make that determination.

The process is tedious and attention to detail is absolutely necessary.  We know the banks are counting on homeowners to be stressed, frustrated and not equipped to deal with all the paperwork that goes into getting the loan package bank ready.  Let's not give them this perceived advantage.  If you or any one you know needs help, contact me and I will do everything I can to get the loan package bank ready.